Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Free Conversation Booth

Last Saturday when I was in Belmont Shore, In a tent, on the sidewalk, under the fluorescent lights of a Washington Mutual bank building, six people sit huddled around a small table discussing the a recent Olympic scandal on Saturday night. Behind them, a sign reads “Free Conversation Booth.” Picture a lively, democratic version of Lucy’s “Psychiatric Help” booth in the “Peanuts” cartoons.

I laughed as I walked by. Who in there right mind would set up a free conversation booth? After a good chuckle, I thought well wait a minute, maybe that booth is smarter than it seems. I mean think about it, most people in Los Angeles are transplants from somewhere else. A lot of people who move here can find it very hard to talk to people for the first time, it’s a lot nicer than going into a bar. I then thought what could I talk about in a free conversation booth? Laundry and how I loathe doing it? My garbage disposal stopped working last week, I'm sure many can relate to that one. Maybe I could discuss how Costco and I have this love hate relationship, because they keep discontinuing my favorite products like, Boston leaf lettuce and wheat pasta. Oh but those $1.50 hotdogs, it makes me forgive them every time. Like a puppy with the puppydog look who just peed on your rug.

Perhaps a free conversation booth doesn’t want to hear how I compare a peeing puppy to Costco, but I would hope that they allow open conversation for a wide variety of topics. Politics, religion, and politics can get so heated. Second Street in the Belmont Shore area of Long Beach offers the kind of diverse crowd and walk-by traffic that can bring all sorts of interesting conversations. I say don’t forget the comedy in life! Viva La Vida!


The Duncan Proect said...

Anything about Costco and public urination is certainly interesting. So in the booth does someone talk back?

Manda Jeann said...

Member that one time we had been cleaning the house all day and we went to Burger King late around the time that Spiderman 3 came out and we thought the Spiderman cut-out on the drive thru bar was a real person? Do you think you can tell stories like that in the convo booth?

Anonymous said...

The way your write just cracks me up! I love your blog. And I wanted to say that Kaily asks where you are all the time. She just wanted to write you a little something: l';;;;;;;;;;;;;;t
You interpret that the way you would like to!

drewmutt said...

Behold. For I am Andrew. The owner/operator of The Free Conversation Booth. I was doing a Google search and I saw your blog! It's really interesting to see what people think when they walk by it, most assume I'm Mormon or I'm selling a product containing acai. Anywho, we would of loved to hear about your Costco woes, and seriously, who doesn't have problems with their garbage disposal?

Talking again on 9/27,