Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Chosen One

Soooo I’m just wondering if anyone out there calls up there sister on the phone and spends 30 minutes playing the University of Utah fight songs on iTunes over and over and has a harmony competition of who can sing the flute part better. Anyone…Anyone? Oh you…you in the back there, was that a hand? No? Ok anyone else.....? I could have sworn that was a common practice.
But in all seriousness folks it is a very important time of year, its Utah Football time! I was reading on my brother Nick’s Facebook page who stated that "Nick is like his grandma who is already packed and he doesn’t leave for 4 days." If you knew Nick and his wraping present jobs, you would understand how serious this is that he is that prepared. I think Utah football unites the fam on many different levels. We don’t always agree with one another on topics, like ripping out all of Miley Cirus’s teeth and capping them at the age of 15, (Clint) or watching The Dark Knight in the theatre for the 9th time (Manda) or all agreeing that Nick is the chosen one, (Clint) but Utah football is one thing that all the siblings in the family are very passionate about. I remember being at the cabin about a month ago, and when we were all talking, 2 hours of the conversation was about Utah Football, I don’t think we can ever grow tired of it. I think it also brings out a lot of our mom in us it, keeps her connected somehow. I remember of what a true and passionate Utah fan she was infact when I was a kid, we did not just have season tickets to football games but basketball and sometimes gymnastics.

When we go to the big house this weekend it’s going to be awesome. I think of the movie Rudy when he walks onto the Notre Dame Field for the first time. He’s in a place where he is in over his head , but he knows he can divide and conquer. The Utes being at a sold out game in the big house is hard, but I know they can take over and win. These big teams like Michigan pay teams like us to come to there field to show off there guns, but I think from the pre-season show we have some guns to show off as well. Lots of pictures next week will be on the blog from my trip to Michigan. Till then, Go UTES!!


The Duncan Proect said...

I am out of the loop. Why the chosen one? We are taking the Amtrak to San Fran for the weekend. We will think of you all fondly. You all will have to imbue Spence and Michaela with "the love of the game."
Right now Spence thinks he has gotten pretty good at football since he learned the rules with his coach/friend. Funny but the neighborhood boys come recruiting Michaela for 2 on 2 football. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Sucks to see that the family places me as jerk of the group. Oh well, GO UTES!

Manda Jeann said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I don't even know what to say...just laugh. Love it. I'll see you in Mich...GO UTES!!!!

Melissa said...

Lucky...how was it? On Saturday Ivan and Savannah were in their Utes shirts, Sienna was in a Utes cheerleading outfit, and even Bella had on her Utes Jammies with 'tailgate' written on the bum. If i could ever make myself want to watch a football game, it would definitely be the U of U. So...I am a fan, I'm just not a fan of football. Aaah, football season, or as I like to call it, widow's season.