Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prizes Falling

Missed a week on the blog arghhhh!! I was doing so well. Well, since I wrote last I went to a Mexican one year old birthday party in Gardena, dinner at Taste on Melrose then breakfast at Toast on Sunset, hiking at Runyan Canyon, had my car stereo ripped out of my car and went to Oktober Fest in Big Bear (It snowed!).

First, Brent’s co-worker invited him to a birthday party for her daughter who was turning one. Apparently it’s a big deal in the Mexican culture. Brent begged me to go, he told me it would make a good story for my blog. Well if it’s a good cause for the blog, how can I resist. I took a picture of the grandpa holding the piƱata on the chicken house in the backyard because I knew no one would believe me if I didn’t have proof. It was fun, Brent works with some pretty cool people, so I always like hanging out with them.

Straight from the Gardena Mexican one year old birthday party, to a restaurant on Melrose called Taste, a high trendy place off of La Cienega. That’s one of the coolest things about L.A. you can literally do two things at the opposite end of the spectrum in a matter of minutes. The two venues weren't that different though, if you think about it, most of the woman in the restaurant looked like they had gone to Mexico for face-lifts so many times I'll bet if you whacked their head with a stick, prizes would fall out. So different crowd, same scene.

I also had my car broke into. Last Thursday My car was parked across the street and the dashboard was literally ripped out. Luckily with my dad’s help I was able to put the stock stereo back in. Another crazy thing is they took my gym bag and school bag, and just last night I get a call from the neighbor who found the bags tossed on the side of the street. Luckily my phone number was in one of them, the thieves did not steal anything out of the bags not my new shoes, not my shuffle iPod everything was still there. Go figure? It’s mysterious that the bags appeared on the street 5 days later.

Later after my car was put back together, we went up 103 miles to Big Bear to our friend Steven Woods’s cabin and celebrated Oktoberfest. I had never been to one before, it was fun… I finally got to try sauerkraut. Not bad, not bad. It also snowed a trace, it was so cold up there but I did not mind because it reminded me of the fall in Utah and how great the first snowfall is. Und wer nicht gerne einen guten ersten Schneesturm. Ja?


Manda Jeann said...

That sucks that your car got broken into. I'm glad everything turned out okay though. Can't wait to see you!!!

clubmaster said...

Thats weird that your car got broken into and that your radio was stolen I mean they need a car to use it.I got to go see you later bye.

The Duncan Proect said...

The cosmetic surgery simile--hilarious!!!

The Duncan Proect said...

The cosmetic surgery simile--hilarious!!! Okay my comments are showing up as Layla. Gotta fix this.

Anonymous said...

Oh Steve, your stories are hilarious! We need to move to California, so I can keep up with you! I'm excited to talk to you when you come up. I have my list also.... um, can we say comeback for Ms. Spears!

Boyd Smith said...

Hey Steve, it's Stacey's brother, Boyd.

Good blog; when my car got broken into, I didn't write about it, because it was such a downer. But you make it sound like a event.

Keep up the good writing.-Boyd